Sunday, August 21, 2011

Cool skater dudes and cigars.

Well, inevitably Captain America had to come down. I must say it was more fun than it should have been to peel the paint off the window. My fingers got very pruny. Wish I had a better camera, but of course my batteries are dead, as usual, so iphone shots it is!

The new one! I got into what I call "work mode" and forgot to take process photos for you. The reflections are a big pain in the butt, there's a lot of detail there that is very difficult to capture, like the logos on the inside board, and that arrow says "Friends of Savers". The company this month is Longboard Living. The café is selling a bunch of boards and other merch, if yer in the hood you should check it out!

Aviv and I have an addiction called "Way too many cigar boxes" and we just got our grubby hands on more!